Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ever had an Embarring Underwear Moment?

My embarring underwear story wouldn't have been embarring, had I not blurted to everybody within earshot what my problem was - I was on a school camping trip, and with it being quite cold one particular morning, I decided to get dressed while still in my sleeping bag. Well, all seemed fine, and off we all went on a loooong walk. As the day progressed, I felt more and more uncomfortable in the underwear region, so when we got to some public toilets, I went in to see what was going on. Not only were my pants inside out, but I had managed to put them on completely skewed - the top hole where my torso would normally have been had a leg sticking out of it, and my body was coming out of one leg hole. It was so uncomfortable and it dug so far up my **** it subsequently constipated me. So, instead of removing them and putting them on properly and keeping schtum about the whole thing, I came out of the toilets and told EVERYBODY. Why, I know not. It just seemed the right thing to do seeing as I'd been grumbling about my discomfort all day. Needless to say I was the of everyone's jokes for weeks.

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