Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My puppy doesn't want to eat her usual food anymore?

So I've been feeding my 9 week old puppy Iams dry puppy food since I brought her home, 2 months now. She's been eating it fine, then she got sick and I had to feed her antibiotics with wet food, pedigree. Then two weeks ago I bought her a new bag of Iams since we were running low and she's not had any trouble with it, until two days ago, when she started running away from her bowl. It turns out that the pet food place I bought the new bag sold me old pet food, it was infested with...ew...maggots. So of course I got rid of it that night and in the mean time I fed her wet food for that one meal. I have now bought a new Iams bag from petsmart...but now she's not eating her dry food. I even changed her food bowl, thinking it might be because she was traumatized. Since such a stubborn girl. I even tried tough love with her, I took away her food when she wouldn't eat for two meal times, and nothing. She still refuses to eat her dry food. So now I'm mixing the dry and wet food together...she's eating the wet food like there's no tomorrow, but she's spitting out her dry food. I know her appetite is fine, because she's eating the wet food. This morning I played a game with her and her dry food. She ate like 7 pebbles and then after she refuses to eat.What do I do?

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