Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Women's boxing gear? Help! I'm clueless!?

Do not skimp on the quality when buying gear. Skip the mitts and get proper hand wraps. That is what keeps the small bones in your hands together and minimizes the risk of them breaking. Pink is nice, but go to a place like Everlast to make sure you are getting quality equipment. Cheap stuff leads to injuries! I do not think there are any brands designed specifcally for women. If you are just "playing around at home" do not buy a bag yet. If you learn incorrect technqiues on the bag, you may hurt yourself or learn bad habits that are really hard to overcome. Learn some shadowboxing first or drop by your local boxing club. Many let people just train for exercise. You do not have to go competitive. Once you learn some moves, then get a bag for home. Try several different weights. Personally, I prefer a heavier one because as you get stronger, the heavier bag does not swing around as much. Best of luck! Oh, by the way, ladies that compete do have to wear a "jock strap" but it's fitted for the female body. It's called a female protector and yes, it is icky and uncomfortable!

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